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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Words, words, words

"To be honest, as this world goes, is to be one man picked out of ten thousand."

The quote I chose that "moved" me was "to be honest as this world goes, is to be one man picked out of ten thousand. "Hamlet says this quote to Polonius in the conversation where Hamlet calls him a "fishmonger. "Hamlet wishes Polonius was as "good" as a fishmonger. 
This quote means there is so much dishonesty in the world, so finding someone honest is like one in ten thousand.I like this quote because I think it can still hold true today. There was dishonesty during Shakespeare's time and there is still dishonesty today. 

Welcome Bloggers New and Old

In the 10 minutes of the Russian version of Hamlet I found the ghost appearance scene the most effective. Out of all the versions we saw I found this one to be the best with that scene. I really like how it gets all windy, and even though I can't understand the language just by looking at the actor's face I can see fear. Most of all I really like the setting of the scenes, it feels like Hamlet was meant to take place in that palace. A scene that wasn't as effective for me was the Ghost walking in, I didn't exactly understand why he was wearing the cape. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

something is rotten in the state of BHS...

Out of the three versions, I definitely liked the Ken Branagh version the best. The Branagh version followed the written Hamlet exactly, where the Zefferelli and Almeryeda versions had a new "twist." The Branagh version started out dark and scary which created a mysterious mood, like Shakespeare intended to do. Scenes such as: the wedding of Claudis and Gertrude and the appearance of the Ghost really stood out because of the colors. I liked the Branagh version because he used more brighter colors compared to the Zefferelli which was a lot more darker. Also the character choice was perfect! In the Almeryeda version, Claudis and Gertrude look way to young to be the parents of Hamlet. However in this version, I think they looked the way they should. The camera work was awesome in this version, compared to the other versions. I loved how everyone goes out of the ballroom celebrating the wedding, and Hamlet is left alone with the two chairs. The part where the camera glides from the celebrations to dark, lonely, and depressed Hamlet is nicely done. Overall I felt the Branagh version came through for me. I liked the colors, camera work, and how closely it followed the book.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A. Gatsby to Daisy

Dear Daisy,
     What is wrong with you? How can you marry someone, despite loving me? What about all the promises we made? How can you do this to me? I love you Daisy, and would never think of loosing you. I can't live without you. Please don't do this to me. You are ruining your life, as well as mine. I know you will never be happy with that man. Please Daisy, please!
     I know I promised to come back by December, but I am sorry my post was extended. I can't tell you how much I tried to come home to you. I am coming home next fall. I can never forget those wet eyes, that night I was leaving, your tears glistened with the lights from the streets. I can still feel that last quick kiss, before I boarded the ship. It was at that moment, I knew that we shared something that no one could possibly share. How will you forget what we shared? Those sweet moments in your white roadster. That first moment we shared when I saw you from the Camp Taylor grounds. I knew that very moment that you were the girl. You were the one I wanted to spend my life with. It was love at first sight. I never had thought I would fall so easily. I still remember you walking up with your white dress and I was astounded by your beauty. The exhilarating ripple in your voice was the thing that stood most out to me about you. I thought about the damp streak of hair that laid across your face that night after our first date. You wore my favorite color, white. It represented you so perfectly beautiful and pure. White was the start of our perfect relationship.
     Are you telling me you will forget all of this? My dearest Daisy you aren't understanding what you are getting yourself into. You know you love me more than anything, and I love you more than anything. Then why? Why are you doing this? I beg of you, please don't do this.
     I will come back right now if you want me to. I can end this right now. All that matters to me is you. I love you Daisy. Please don't marry someone else, I can't live without you.

                                                                                                                   Yours truly,
                                                                                                                                  Jay Gatsby

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Chapt3r Digging

Passage 2
"In the main hall a bar with a real brass rail was set up , and stocked with gins and liquors and with cordials so long forgotten that most of his female guests were too young to know one from another. "

In this passage, Nick is describing the beverages, mostly alcohol, set up at the party. There is gin, liquor, and some other drinks that are really old. The female guests at the bar, are so young they don't even know the drinks. Through this passage Nick is saying how Gatsby is wealthy, that he can bring back beverages "long forgotten." Gatsby must have some deep connections with people to be able to bring back old, and prohibited cordials. Also Nick can be saying even though prohibition was going on people drank, including young girls. The young girls, don't know what it is because they shouldn't  be drinking it in the first place, but also because it is old. He is probably amazed at what he is seeing, since he is from the Midwest, where this isn't very common. 

About Me!

Some facts about me:
~I am really allergic to sugar.
~I like to eat chocolate, even though I shouldn't.
~I absolutely hate all bugs.
~I get grossed out easily.
~I love to laugh.

Thats all for now